A downloadable game

La tabla verdosa

La arqueóloga Xantel Jones ha sido llevada a un lugar secreto lleno de peligros por unas personas muy malas.
Le han dicho que si quiere salir de hay para regresar a su vida cotidiana dando clases en la Universidad, necesita encontrar los 9 fragmentos de una tabla.
Y si no lo hace, le haran cosas muy malas.

Tú misión, ayudar a Xantel a conseguir todas las piezas de la tabla, para poder salir, por donde entró, con vida.
Tendrás que recoger llaves para poder abrir las puertas que te bloquean el paso, para poder continuar con tu misión.
Pasa por la puertas para ir de un lugar del recinto a otro.
Y ten cuidado con los animalitos que hay por el recinto, y sobre todo con los pinchitos mortíferos.
Una vez conseguidas las 9 piezas de la tabla, regresa al punto exacto en donde apareciste y pasa a través de esa puerta. Los malos habrán conseguido lo que querían, y Xantel la ansiada libertad.

Puedes jugar con teclado, Joystick Sinclair o Joystick Kempston.

Con teclado
Q : Salta
A : Pasar por las puertas/portales.
O : Izquierda
P : Derecha
SPACE + O ó SPACE+ P: Desplaza las cajas que se puedan mover.

Juego está hecho para ZX Spectrum 48k con el motor MTE MK1.

(Using a translator)

The Greenish Tablet

Archaeologist Xantel Jones has been taken to a secret place full of dangers by some very evil people.
They have told her that if she wants to get out of there and return to her daily life teaching at the University, she needs to find the 9 fragments of a tablet.
And if she doesn't, they will do very bad things to her.

Your mission, is to help Xantel get all the pieces of the tablet, so she can leave, where she came in, alive.
You will have to collect keys to open the doors that block your way, in order to continue with your mission.
Go through the doors to go from one place in the enclosure to another.
And be careful with the little animals that are around the enclosure, and especially with the deadly spikes.
Once you have obtained the 9 pieces of the tablet, return to the exact point where you appeared and go through that door. The bad guys will have gotten what they wanted, and Xantel the longed-for freedom.

You can play with keyboard, Sinclair Joystick or Kempston Joystick.

With keyboard
Q : Jump
A : Go through doors/portals.
O : Left
P : Righ
SPACE + O or SPACE + P: Move the movable boxes.

Game is made for ZX Spectrum 48k with the MTE MK1 engine.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, 8-Bit, ZX Spectrum


xantel_tabla_verdosa.zip 17 kB


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Great game, thank you. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New ZX Spectrum Games from August 2024" video, in addition to all the other ZX Spectrum games released in August.

Wow. Good stuff. Any chance this might be translated to English?

The translator stripped the carraige returns but it's all here:

Archaeologist Xantel Jones has been taken to a secret place full of dangers by some very bad people. He has been told that if he wants to leave Hay to return to his daily life teaching at the University, he needs to find the 9 fragments of a table. And if you don't, they will do very bad things to you.  Your mission, help Xantel get all the pieces of the table, to be able to leave where he entered, alive. You will have to collect keys to open the doors that block your way, in order to continue with your mission. Go through the doors to go from one place in the facility to another. And be careful with the little animals that are around the premises, and especially with the deadly spikes. Once you have obtained the 9 pieces of the board, return to the exact point where you appeared and go through that door. The bad guys will have gotten what they wanted, and Xantel the long-awaited freedom.  Controls You can play with a keyboard, Sinclair Joystick or Kempston Joystick.  With keyboard Q: Jump A: Go through the doors/portals. O: Left Q: Right SPACE + O or SPACE+ P: Move the boxes that can be moved.  Game is made for ZX Spectrum 48k with the MTE MK1 engine.

Translated in English in-game ;)

Excellent game ! Congrats and thank you.

Very cool game, thanks for sharing.

Nice game!

me encantan estos juegos,gracias